Január 11-én kerül mozikba Ruben Fleischer (Zombieland) Gengszterosztag (Gangster Squad) című filmje, melyben melyben egy titkos rendőri egység (Josh Brolin, Ryan Gosling, Giovanni Ribisi, Robert Patrick) felveszi a harcot a Los Angelest irányító gengszter, Mickey Cohen (Sean Penn) ellen. 


It was hard to re-create vintage LA-there are so many tall buildings now. We had to go to the outer reaches of the city, to neighborhoods like Sylmar.


Me and Nick Nolte, who plays the police cheif, Bill Parker. In the script, he's likened to Richard the Lionheart. Only Nick Nolte could pull that off.


The full squad: Josh Brolin, Robert Patrick, Anthony Mackie, Michael Peña, Ryan Gosling and Giovanni Ribisi. Six amazing actors-and some of the funniest dudes ever assembled.


One of my favorite locations: Clifton's, a real restaurant that's been in Los Angeles since the thirties. A time warp.


A police chase ends with a crash through a skylight and directly into this studio during a pinup shoot with Bettie Page (played by Nancy McCrumb).


In this scene, Ryan Gosling's character, Jerry Wooters (a cop), introduces himself to Grace Faraday, played by Emma Stone. Obviously they have great chemistry.


A turning point for Ryan Gosling's character: A little kid gets killed by Cohen's assassins in a shoot-out. This is when he decides to get on board-as it says in the script, "the long-sleeping cop comes to life.


This was our very first day of shooting. Josh Brolin plays John O-Mara, a hard-nosed cop headed into the hornet's nest-mob boss Mickey Cohen's HQ. He's trapped in an elevator with two thugs, but he fights his way out.

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